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10 Waste Tips for Businesses and Households

10 Waste Tips for Businesses and Households

Managing waste can be a challenge for households and businesses alike, but there are a few waste tips that can make this easier. 

Waste tips can help both businesses and households with their waste management habits. It can also provide them with information about how they can improve the way that they deal with waste. 

Having more effective waste management systems can help your business operate more effectively. It can also be a cost saver because of this. 

Households can benefit greatly from following many of these tips. At the end of the day, better waste management helps to promote an environmentally friendly planet. Whole communities can be built off these ideas. 

Waste Tips for Businesses

These 10 waste tips for businesses can help them to better manage their current waste systems. Doing so will help to promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly waste system. 

Conduct a Waste Audit

A waste audit is a great way for businesses to better understand their current waste management systems. Waste management companies like Cleanway, after conducting their waste audit, go on to suggest how these systems can be improved. They’re a great place to start if you are considering improving a waste management system. 

Promote Recycling

By promoting recycling within a business, a manager can see a shift towards better waste management. This is because workers will become more mindful about their waste disposal systems. Recycling is also a tried and tested way to reduce carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Consider Paperless Options

Paperless options are becoming increasingly frequent in the modern office. This is due to the benefits of digital record keeping as well as a want to move away from paper. Going paperless can both help with waste management and increase office productivity.

Green Packaging

Green packaging involves finding more environmentally friendly ways to wrap parcels and other items requiring packing. Green packaging is reusable and often made from biodegradable materials. 

Resource Recovery

Resource recovery is a holistic approach to waste management. It seeks to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and dumpsites by promoting recycling and other waste divergent strategies. It’s also a great way to be innovative and to find more green waste solutions. 

Compost Organic Waste

Composting organic waste is an effective way to deal with organic waste like food scraps and other biodegradable materials. Composting gives business owners the opportunity to provide a useful service beyond their daily business practices. It can also be a potential alternative revenue source.

Make Eco-Partnerships

Eco-partnerships see business leaders making partnerships with other eco-friendly minded individuals. Its major benefit is that it helps to promote a whole ecosystem of green business practices. This will lead to greater waste management across multiple different industries and will see an improvement in various waste sectors. 

Promote Green Education

Businesses can promote green education training as part of their daily operations. Upskilling your workers in this way will help employees become more mindful about their waste management services. It will also make them feel like they can play a part in a company’s waste management. 

Reward Sustainability

Rewarding sustainability and effective waste management services helps to ensure that people are incentivised to be mindful about their waste systems. This could look like a number of different things in a business place. Managers who reward employees incentivise them to work harder. 

Donate Excess 

Donating excess products helps to lessen the waste burden placed on municipal waste landfill sites and other waste management infrastructure. Donating reverts excess products from disposal. It is also a great way to engage with local communities and to show that you care about more than just making money. 

Waste Tips for Households

Household waste management includes a variety of easy strategies. Following these tips will help you better manage waste. It will also help to create a community of mindful users. Many households can see improvements with how they dispose of their waste. 

Reduce Food Waste

Reducing food waste is an effective waste disposal method. It relies on the waste management strategy to reduce waste overall. This does not mean that households should eat less food. Rather, it looks at being more mindful about the excess production of waste.

Reuse Plastic

Reusing plastic bags and other plastic items is a great way to reduce waste. Using reusable produce bags not only helps you to save money, but it also helps the environment by decreasing the amount of waste that ends up in waste management facilities.

Follow Waste Disposal Guidelines

Following waste disposal guidelines helps to ensure that waste is dealt with properly. This includes going to waste facilities who know how to manage general waste and other specific forms of waste. These recycling facilities can also help with reducing waste.


Composting is a great waste management tool for households. Food waste like coffee grounds, organic matter, and other green waste is perfect for this. Many farms can also be converted into a worm farm, which will further help with creating a sustainable economy.

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy efficient appliances are a great general waste management strategy. This includes having more energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps and other recyclable e waste household items. Reducing waste at the energy source helps to build an eco-friendly system.

Buy and Sell Second Hand

Buying and selling second hand materials helps to reduce waste at the source. It’s also a money saving tactic. Reselling furniture and other large household items will help to reduce the total amount of goods produced and will be a step towards making the economy less wasteful.

Save Water

Saving water will help to reduce our reliance on finite resources. Additionally, liquid waste management has the potential to reduce contamination. While saving water might seem separate from waste management, it does have a big impact on the overall effect of sustainable practices.

Build a Green Community

Building a local green community can help to promote recycling and other waste management best practices. This can include purchasing items like a community recycling bin. Green bin facilities encourage recycling and better waste practices. Speak to local council members to help and build these resources.

Support Local Farmers

Building a local farmers market and other community based food waste management facilities helps to promote a community of waste management. These events help to build a community while promoting waste management best practices. These measures work at reducing waste across the entire economy.

Waste Management Tips to Reduce Waste

The above waste tips seek to reduce waste and work at creating a holistic management system. This includes promoting recycling bins and better general waste management.

Recycling can take many forms. From using your own containers at home to businesses selling reusable bags, everyone can play a part in building a greener future.