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The Development of Waste Disposal Services

The Development of Waste Disposal Services

Waste disposal services in Australia have developed alongside both the country’s development and the forces of globalisation. This has been the result of technological innovations and a push towards more environmentally friendly waste disposal best practices. 

There is a reason to be interested in this. Examining the development of waste disposal services sheds light on both the industry as well as the larger economy that waste services help run. Without waste management services, large-scale construction and innovation would not be possible. 

This blog explores the development of waste disposal services. While its focus is on the Australian context, much of this history is applicable across the globe. This is because of how the waste management industry reflects both the developments of the world and its stance towards building a greener tomorrow. 

Waste Disposal Services Explained

Waste disposal services form part of the larger waste management systems. Waste disposal involves the safe removal of waste from human beings so that they can be broken down in a safe and secure manner. 

Common waste disposal techniques involve municipal landfills and dumpsites. But disposal can also take the form of recycling and other environmentally friendly practices. While disposal refers to the removal of waste, it does not mean that waste is merely left to rot. 

The development of disposal services, from simply removing waste to finding more sustainable solutions for it, are in line with a global effort towards an eco-friendly world. Waste has become an opportunity and not something that needs to be discarded and forgotten about. 

Early Waste Disposal Solutions

Early waste management systems were simple and often lacked the modern infrastructure we now associate with disposal services. These small scale systems were fine when waste was left up to households or small villages. 

The industrial revolution saw a rise in production and factory building. With the rise of industrial waste, construction and demolition waste, and other building materials came a need to safely manage and dispose of large amounts of rubbish. The simple systems were no longer effective. 

Simple solutions like landfills and burying waste continued for a short period of time, but soon these methods proved ineffective. Large scale waste management through the likes of municipal waste facilities become increasingly popular. 

The Development of Waste Services

When cities became increasingly popular across Australia during the early to middle twentieth century, private and municipal waste management services began to become necessary. More people meant more waste. All of it needed to go somewhere. 

During these years waste infrastructure like landfills and dumpsites became the favoured waste management system. Landfills remain an effective way to contain waste and keep it from keeping in contact with human beings, but questions have been raised about the extent to which they are environmentally friendly.

Modern Waste Management Solutions

Modern waste management solutions seek to find innovative waste to deal with waste. They prioritise environmental best practices and utilise the latest technologies and innovations to do so. 

Cleanway has written extensively on modern waste management solutions. Here are some of the best blogs on the topic.


Recycling has become one of the most popular ways to deal and dispose of waste. This is because of the underlying idea of finding more effective ways to deal with waste. Recycling gives waste a new purpose and helps to save resources. 

Australia’s 1992 National Waste Policy was the first official national outline of how waste should be recycled. This policy ensured that recycling is prioritised over less environmentally friendly waste disposal services. 

Resource Recovery

Resource recovery centres have popped up in recent years. Here, waste is broken down so that valuable resources and materials can be extracted and reused in new products. This helps to lessen the resources needed in construction and production. 

The lesser need for resources helps to reduce our reliance on the planet’s natural resources. Part of this helps to ensure that products are designed with resource recovery in mind, ensuring greater efficiency and sustainability. 

Sustainable Waste Disposal

Despite the rise of methods like recycling and resource recovery, it is sometimes still vital for waste to be safely destroyed or disposed of. Hazardous waste materials, for instance, can negatively impact human health if improperly handled. 

Sustainable waste disposal practices seek to minimise the risks of contamination to underground water and soil. The typical disposal method would include the use of landfills or dumpsites. 

Future Waste Management Systems

Waste management systems will continue to develop as the world continues to become more innovative and environmentally conscious. While it is difficult to predict the future, there are a number of trends that are likely to continue in the future. 

Additionally, more modern technological innovations are likely to change waste systems in ways that we cannot imagine. Currently technologies like waste-to-energy technologies, where waste is converted into fuel, are a great example of how the world continues to develop. 

More effort will be placed on lessening the environmental impact of waste disposal solutions and production in Australia. As businesses and customers continue to produce a huge range of wastes, the way that we address the potential environmental challenges will become more important.

E Waste Disposal Solutions

E waste (electronic waste) has continued to grow as our world become more reliant on electronic products. While historical waste management systems only needed to manage organic waste, our world needs to find waste removal systems for an extensive range of electronic products. This is likely to continue in the future.

Waste Disposal Services in Australia

There are a number of waste disposal services across Australia for businesses and consumers to choose from. Companies like Cleanway work within the industry to provide recycling services and waste removal expertise across the country.

Cleanway is an EPA approved waste management company. This highlights that we follow the necessary environmental requirements as legislated by both local and international waste disposal best practices.