Working with hazardous waste can be tricky, especially if you are not an expert in the field. For this reason, we recommend working with a waste management company like Cleanway. There are certain common practices that they follow.
In order to be more knowledgeable in the field, it is worthwhile to understand some of the common hazardous waste management tips that have been developed over the years. They fall in alongside general waste management best practices.
This blog explores 8 common hazardous waste management tips that companies like Cleanway will recommend to anyone who works with hazardous waste. However, these tips can often be applied to various other waste types.
What is Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste, as the name suggests, is any material that has the potential to threaten human health or safety, as well as the environment, either presently or in the future, qualifies as hazardous waste. It can also include industrial waste, liquid waste, contaminated soils, and other household hazardous waste containers.
It’s important to note that time can cause a once-safe type of waste to become hazardous. This is just one reason why safe disposal is so essential to the process of hazardous waste disposal to avoid unnecessary harm.
Waste management companies have the necessary expertise to distinguish what is and is not hazardous. They should be relied on in these circumstances as they are aware of any relevant environmental regulations.
The Importance of Hazardous Waste Management
Caution must be taken whenever working with waste materials, and nowhere is this more true than with hazardous waste. It can cause harm to the environment and to human beings.
Even minor mistakes can ultimately result in significant issues. Household chemicals are frequently ingested or misused, leading to harm. Additionally, injury can be used by motor oil, gas bottles, chemical containers, car batteries, and other common items.
Identify the Waste
Hazardous waste comes in various forms and can be solid, liquid, or gas. Knowing how to identify them and the necessary tools to manage them is essential when dealing with it. The team has experience with a large variety of hazardous substances.
Identifying hazardous waste allows you to properly segregate waste and treat it with the potential dangers that it deserves. This not only protects human health, but it also safeguards against potential environmental issues.
Conduct a Waste Audit
Conducting a waste audit gives businesses an opportunity to better understand their current waste streams and how they implement policies to improve them for greater efficiency.
Many waste management companies offer waste audits as part of their services. Companies can use their expertise to ensure that their hazardous waste systems are safe and effective, as well as efficient.
Segregate Waste
Waste segregation is the process where waste is separated into different categories depending on their waste types. This can either be done at the business site or at a waste treatment centre.
There are many waste segregation practices that you might already be familiar with. Recycling, for example, where special green bins are used for cardboard and paper, is an eco-friendly waste segregation process that many people already follow.
Use Skip Bins
Many business’s major connection with the waste management industry is through the use of skip bin rentals. This is due to the fact that skip bins are one of the best ways to store various waste types in large quantities while still being safe.
Skip bins are versatile and come in numerous sizes. They are often hired for different products at varying time frames. The benefit here is that companies can hire them for the exact time that they need.
Use EPA Certified Waste Management Providers
Whenever it comes with working hazardous waste, it is essential that you partner with an EPA certified company like Cleanway. They have the knowledge necessary to handle waste in a way that does not harm the environment.
Additionally, these companies are often at the foreground of modern waste management techniques and tactics. Partnering with one ensures that you are getting the best possible service for your company.
Conduct Training and Awareness
Regular training programs are a staple in many businesses, given that constant improvement is great for optimising efficiency. This is no different when it comes to handling hazardous waste.
These training programs are also an opportunity to upscale your workers and provide them with tools to benefit their personal benefit. Studies have shown that companies that train their workers with new skills tend to keep these employees for longer.
Reduce Waste
Waste reduction techniques have become a cornerstone of modern waste management practices. This is due to its ability to lessen the amount of waste produced during the production stage.
Hazardous waste poses additional threats that need to be properly managed. So if there are opportunities to reduce waste, they need to be taken to safeguard the entire management process.
Evaluate Waste Systems
Constantly evaluating your business’s waste streams ensures that they remain safe and effective. While newer methods of managing hazardous waste should be done with caution, it is still a vital part of waste management.
Part of the evaluation process involves tracking and recording how hazardous waste is handled as well as the volumes produced.
Use Technology
Technology continues to drive the world forward, and the hazardous waste management industry is part of this. Cleanway endeavours to use the latest technology to improve this.
Additionally, new technology gives waste management teams new opportunities to find different ways to dispose of waste. As something is produced, so too is a new means to safely discard it.
Closing thoughts
When it comes to hazardous waste disposal, safety is king. This is most likely the primary tip that a person can take from this blog. That is also why it is advised to contact a professional team who will handle the potentially harmful waste in a responsible manner.
When it comes to dealing with household hazardous waste disposal, be sure to use caution. That being said, consider contacting a professional waste management team like Cleanway if you are working with large quantities of hazardous waste that require safe and efficient disposal.