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Emergency Spill Response Techniques

Emergency Spill Response Techniques

Emergency spill response is an essential part of any company’s waste management systems. Additionally, any company that works with liquids needs to have a plan in place given the possibilities of spills. 

There are a variety of different options available to these companies. The major benefit of our modern world is that spill response situations can be tackled with the latest technologies and knowledge. Tailored solutions are there for any situation. 

This blog explores a number of popular emergency spill response techniques. The information here is useful for anyone who works with liquid waste. That being said, be sure to contact a company like Cleanway and their Emergency Spill Response Team. 

What is Emergency Spill Response?

Emergency spill response is a safety protocol that seeks to manage, control, and decontaminate a spill situation. Spills occur when liquid waste is either improperly disposed of or somehow leaves its storage area. Sometimes this can occur with hazardous liquid waste. 

The spill response often depends on the nature of the spill. It goes without saying that dealing with an oil spill in the middle of the ocean would differ from a chemical spill in the workplace. However, there are certain common features that they all share.

Many of these features help to ensure that human health and the environment are protected. They also ensure that the spill area is properly cleaned and decontaminated. A good example of a common feature would be the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). 

Our blog “What are the 7 Steps of Spill Response?” outlines many of these common features. Be sure to read it for more information. 

The Importance of Spill Response

Spill response is more important than many people realise. Companies that work with liquid chemicals are required to have some kind of spill response plan in place. However, because spills can occur in a variety of places, many spill situations occur outside of the workplace. 

A great example of this is an oil spill on the road. This is a hazardous event that can affect many people. Cleanway’s emergency spill response team frequently deals with situations like this. In such situations, managing the spill area involves containing it so that further contamination does not occur. 

Spill response teams also play a vital part in the decontamination process. Contaminated soil, for instance, must be made safe again in order to prevent further environmental harm. While the spill team might not do the actual decontamination, they can safely remove the contaminated substances and transport it to a safe facility. 

Spill Containment Techniques

There are a variety of spill containment techniques that a team can use to best manage the spill situation. These methods have developed alongside other technological innovations. They help to promote environmental sustainability, protect human health, and manage the spill in an efficient manner. 

Booms and barriers

Booms and barriers are a great way to keep the spills from spreading beyond their immediate areas. They also help to keep other humans from stumbling into the spill area by mistake. 

This is a good example of how spill emergencies are generally handled. The usual procedures involve both containing the liquid waste and preventing things from the outside entering the area. 

Spill Diverging

Spill diverging is the process where the liquid waste spill is diverted in order to better handle and manage the situation. It also means that different liquids can be separated in order to better handle the situation. 

Separating different liquids is a vital part of managing liquid waste. Hazardous liquid waste, for instance, must be separated if it is going to become safe. Doing this also prevents further harm. 

Portable Containment

Portable containment techniques help to manage and store different types of liquid waste on site. It also makes the transportation of harmful substances a whole lot easier considering the challenges of moving liquids. 

Containment also makes the clean up process possible. Liquids are, by nature, far more challenging to manage than solids. Containers mean that they can be safely kept without the added pressure of further contamination. 

Spill Cleanup Techniques

Spill cleanup materials work to safely fix the emergency situation. The end goal of the cleanup process is to return the area to its original state. There are many ways to do this. It is also likely that more technologies will continue to develop as time goes on. 


Absorption techniques help to collect liquids in a safe and secure manner. This process can be done with a variety of absorbent materials. The major benefit is that it is an easy way to collect various types of liquid substances. 

Vacuum Suction

Vacuum suction techniques help to safely contain various liquids once they have been spilled. Suction tools allow for the safe storage and containment of liquids, making the transportation easier. 

Chemical Spill Removal

Chemical removal technologies help to extract chemicals and other substances from liquid wastes. It is often used during the decontamination process as it helps to neutralise substances. 

Liquid Waste Disposal

Liquid waste disposal is often seen as one of the last steps of the emergency spill response process. However, it is not necessarily a requirement. Liquid waste disposal is merely the safe disposal of liquid substances. 

Safe waste disposal techniques ensure that there are minimal risks to human health and the environment. This can be done through using facilities like municipal landfills and dumpsites. However, when it comes to liquid waste disposal, landfills might not be perfect. 

Liquid waste disposal must be done in such a way that it does not contaminate underground water or soil. Because liquids are inherently more fluid than solids, they might not stay in a single place. 

Waste management companies like Cleanway should be consulted whenever a company or individual needs to deal with liquid waste. Their expertise helps to ensure that proper waste disposal techniques are followed. 

Managing Chemical Spills

Chemical spills are a common spill response situation. Emergency response services commonly deal with hazardous materials found in spilled chemicals. It goes without saying that hazardous chemicals require safe spill response procedures.

Companies who frequently work with chemicals are advised to have emergency spill response procedures in place. When it comes to liquids in particular, spill response planning can be a matter of life and death.

Contacting an Emergency Spill Response Team

Cleanway’s emergency spill response team offers 24/7 emergency response services across Australia. Their waste management services are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Australia. Contact their emergency response team below.