Safe liquid waste removal is a vital part of its disposal process. This is because it would need to be transported to a safe disposal site, and moving liquids is challenging, given its nature.
The result of this is that there are many common methods that a waste management company like Cleanway might employ to ensure that the process is done both safely and in an environmentally friendly way.
This blog outlines just a handful of common liquid waste removal techniques. While this list is not extensive, it does provide a solid background for anyone interested in this often fascinating process.
What is Liquid Waste
There are many ways for liquid waste to be created. Sewage, for instance, is a common type of household liquid waste, as is fats, oils, and grease.
The important thing to remember when it comes to liquid waste is that emergency spill situations are a risk. For this reason it is essential to work in tandem with a waste management company whenever it is being dealt with.
Liquid Waste Management
Liquid waste management and liquid waste collection services work in tandem to ensure that all of the waste is safely dispose of. They do this by following any necessary environmental regulations.
Commonly, liquid waste services are capable to dealing with industrial liquid waste, septic waste, grease trap waste, portable toilet pump outs, and other major tasks that involve handling liquid waste.
Commonly, liquid waste removal services form part of a larger waste management company like Cleanway. They, in turn, operate alongside existing waste management infrastructure.
Common Liquid Waste Removal Techniques
The liquid waste removal techniques listed below are varied given the different types of liquid waste that can be found. However, at the end of the day, many of these removal techniques are quite similar.
What’s important to take away is that waste management techniques for removal generally follow similar patterns. The exact disposal method chosen often depends on a number of factors, so it’s important to consult a waste management company like Cleanway.
Sewage Treatment Plants
Most major cities and metropolitan areas rely on these facilities to both dispose of liquid waste and to prevent environmental damage to the surrounding areas.
The size and type of sewage plant varies from region to region and from country to country. Additionally, they may operate according to different laws and regulations.
Grease traps
Grease traps are systems that are installed in some kitchens to deal with the build up of fats, oils and grease (FOG).
They are common in commercial kitchens, but can also be found in some household kitchens given their ability to deal with household liquid waste.
We explore grease traps extensively in our blog Why Grease Trap Pumping is Important.
Septic Tank Systems
Septic tank systems are found throughout the world and Australia. They are often used as an alternative to large-scale sewage systems.
These systems are great for dealing with liquid waste disposal due to their longevity and relative ease of use.
They are also something that Cleanway has covered in a number of blogs. The Septic Tank Pump Out Explained is one such blog.
Chemical Treatment
Chemical treatment is a common waste management process and is used on different waste types like liquid waste. It often involves introducing some kind of chemical into the liquid substance to neutralise it for safer handling.
It is important to note that this process should be done by a waste management company like Cleanway due to some of the potential risks involved.
It is also a relatively complex process that could result in different hazardous liquid waste types being formed if it is done incorrectly.
Stormwater Management Systems
Stormwater management systems are found in some areas that are prone to flooding due to weather incidents. This is a unique type of waste.
While technically naturally produced, this type of liquid waste can shock the system and therefore needs a way out. Storm management systems provide this out.
Additionally, they can contaminate existing systems due to the uncontrollable amount of waste that might enter the system. They are therefore a vital, if overlooked aspect of liquid waste management.
Disposing of Hazardous Liquid Waste Materials
Hazardous waste can come in liquid form. This should not be unexpected given the many types of hazardous waste and liquid waste.
Their safe disposal is essential for both human health and the environment. It is therefore important to consult a waste management company like Cleanway before any disposal methods are adopted.
However, the general disposal method will likely align with the type of removal systems mentioned above.
Closing thoughts
Liquid waste removal services have a number of options available to them when it comes to the safe management and storage of liquid wastes. They will likely use the most efficient option available to them based on a number of factors.
They also highlight how waste management companies are capable of managing varying waste types in a safe and secure manner. This shows the commitment of the industry when it comes to finding effective ways of managing all waste types.