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The Value of Electronic Waste

The Value of Electronic Waste

Electronic waste recycling seeks to utilise old and defective electronic products and give them a new purpose in life. Recycling dramatically decreases the total amount of waste in landfills and dumpsites. It’s an eco-friendly and sustainable-waste management system.

E-waste recycling can provide value to a person, their business, and their community. 

Some of these can even be profitable. But remember that making money should be seen as a benefit of recycling. At the end of the day, the goal should be to create a greener and cleaner environment for future generations. The fact that money can be made during the process is an added benefit. 

What is Electronic Waste?

Electronic waste (e-waste) is created from old and discarded electronic products. Common examples of electronic waste include mobile phones, electronic equipment, household batteries, and other electronic discarded devices.

Electrical and electronic waste recycling forms a major part of Cleanway’s waste processing and management model. We provide environmentally sound management for a variety of e-waste disposal needs. A common example is e-waste recycling.  

What is Electronic Waste (e-waste) Recycling?

Cleanways blog “What is E-Waste Recycling” provides a comprehensive analysis and explanation. 

E-waste recycling seeks to find alternative solutions to the traditional waste disposal methods that do not seek to repurpose and reuse old products. 

A significant benefit of e-waste recycling is that it helps to build a greener planet. By practising it, individuals and businesses can help to create a better future. 

E-waste is a product of our modern economy. This is because electronic products have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. Mobile phones and other electronic devices are difficult to live without.

One study found that the world produces enough e-waste to total the weight of The Great Wall of China.

It is essential to find greener and environmentally friendly solutions. Recycling remains one of the most effective ways to build a more sustainable future. 

The Value of E-waste Recycling

E-waste is valuable, partly due to its versatility. It is formed from discarded electronic products, so there are many different types. 

Businesses that are looking for an extra income stream can use e-waste recycling. Additionally, it’ll show your local community that you care about the environment. 

Many of the methods mentioned below are suggestions and do not need to be followed precisely. But they do provide a solid framework. 

Anyone looking to make money from e-waste recycling should remember that all money making methods require a solid business sense and a degree of creativity to succeed. Not to mention hardwork and dedication.

Here’s a list of 13 different ways to turn e-waste recycling into a business. 

  1. Sell E-waste Components
  2. Recycle Metals
  3. Refurbish Old Components
  4. Set up a Collection Service and drop off points
  5. Organise Events
  6. Create Art
  7. Host Workshops
  8. Sell Recycled e-waste Plastics
  9. Provide Consulting Services
  10. Extract Valuable Metals
  11. Create Education Materials
  12. Work with Local Governments
  13. Rent Bins
  14. Store Potentially Valuable Items

Let’s explore these points in greater detail below. 

Sell E-waste Components.

E-waste Components comprise numerous electronic parts. Some also contain precious metals, like zinc and cobalt, in most batteries. 

Running a second hand electronics store is a lucrative business opportunity. By taking old electronic products, these stores remove them from the-waste management system. This lessens the burden on the-waste stream. 

Recycle Metals. 

Valuable metals are common in electronic products. This includes gold, silver, and platinum, common in mobile phones, and are some of the most expensive metals in the world. Washing machines are composed of various metal electrical items.

Extracting and reselling these metals is excellent for the environment as it reduces the amount of raw materials that need to be extracted from the earth. 

Refurbish Old Computers.

Refurbishing old computers is a great business idea for anyone knowledgeable in the IT field. Almost every business and household has computers that they no longer need. 

Old computers and laptops often end up in landfill sites. Restoring them prevents this from happening. Additionally, some computers increase in value over time. Scoring a potential antique can pay great dividends in the future.

Set Up a Collection Service and Drop Off Points. 

An e-waste recycling business can be as simple as setting up a collection service or drop off points. Local businesses and households will come with their old electronic products seeking the service. 

A premium can be charged but can also be taken for free. The e-waste can be recycled in a variety of money making ways once it is in the possession of a business-savvy person. Designated collection points are a great money making recycling scheme.

Organise Events.

Individuals with skills and expertise in the e-waste recycling industry can organise events where they inform people about how to recycle e-waste. This is an easy way to make money and share experiences. 

This is also a great way to build community awareness around e-waste recycling. This, in turn, fosters a world where people are more aware of their responsibilities. 

Create Art.

Art from e-waste is a versatile and unique aesthetic experience. There are a variety of options for creative people. They can sell these items through online platforms or at local markets. Resource recovery centres can become the new artistic homes of electronic devices.

Host Workshops.

E-waste recycling is an excellent way to unite people, whether at a community level or within the workplace. Industry experts can host workshops to encourage and inform e-waste recycling best practices. 

Like organising events, hosting workshops allows individuals to develop a rapport with their local community. It highlights their commitment to e-waste management and environmental sustainability. 

Sell Recycled e-waste Plastics.

Plastics form part of electronic products. The different types of plastics can be reused in a variety of forms. Recycling plastics helps to build a greener planet. 

This point does not have to be just about plastics. Various electronic components, like glass and metals, can be recycled similarly. All it takes is a professional to break up items into various components. 

Provide Consulting Services.

Professional e-waste recyclers can provide consulting services to businesses and industrial companies. Selling knowledge provides income and ensures that the skills required for recycling are shared. This information can be easily found on global e-waste monitor websites.

Providing consulting services helps to share e-waste recycling best practices. Cleanway does have a blog that shares 25 e-waste Recycling Best Practices for much the same reason.

Extract Valuable Materials.

The valuable materials found inside many electronic products have high resale value. This includes the valuable minerals discussed above and the smaller, seemingly less valuable items like plastic and glass.

The benefit of this is that fewer items will be needed when constructing new products, lessening the burden of production. 

Create Educational Material.

Educational materials on recycling are common in schools and in office spaces. Recycling workshops are a popular team building activity as it promotes environmentally friendly solutions. 

Sharing knowledge ensures that the wider world understands the benefits of recycling and why it is essential in creating a better world. e-waste recycling is a vital cog in this and is a popular waste management system. 

Work With Local Governments.

Many local governments run e-waste recycling services. They are often on the lookout for new and engaged community partners. 

Working with local governments provides legitimacy to an e-waste recycling business. There is also the chance for specific incentives. For businesses, it shows a good deal of commitment to building communities. 

Rent Bins.

Providing bin rental services for e-waste recycling is an easy and efficient way to make money. It involves relatively low maintenance costs and can be a great form of passive income. There are many ways that it can be done. 

Bins can vary in size. They can be small scale cardboard boxes or larger skip bins. Those interested in skip bin hiring can find more information in this Cleanway blog.

Store Potentially Valuable Items. 

Certain electronic products grow in value over time. Items that cause significant industry change, like an original Apple iPhone, can increase exponentially. These items are worth keeping for their future value. 

The recycling benefit here is that the overall value of e-waste items grows. It helps to build an economy where e-waste is not something that needs to be disposed of. Instead, it creates systems of value that bring the entire industry up in value. 

Important Considerations

Making money through electronic waste recycling is a viable income method. The suggested points above vary in both active and passive income forms. 

It is essential to take into account the potential dangers of managing any form of e-waste. There are potential hazards from certain waste. Local laws might prohibit the storage of some forms of waste. Toxic chemicals must be handled with care.

The goal of anyone who decides to recycle e-waste and convert this into money is to lessen the impact of greenhouse gases and other factors that negatively affect human health and well-being.