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Waste Disposal Solutions for Businesses and Households

Waste Disposal Solutions for Businesses and Households

There are a variety of waste disposal solutions that both businesses and households can choose from. While there are similarities between both sectors, many of these solutions are tailored to their specific waste management needs. 

Waste disposal solutions centre around finding effective and efficient ways to manage common types of waste. However, they also extend to specialised waste types such as hazardous waste. 

This blog outlines common waste disposal solutions for both businesses and households. It is split into two sections so that each can have attention paid to their specific needs. 

Waste Management Explained

Waste management is a streamlined process that organises various forms of garbage and trash. It does this through sorting, disposing, reducing, recycling, reusing, and preventing different forms of waste. 

These five waste management systems, sorting, disposing, reducing, recycling, reusing, and preventing, ensure that unwanted materials are given an end-life that is safe for human health and the environment. 

Sorting Waste

Sorting waste involves separating the different types of waste into their respective parts. This could involve separating recyclable materials from valuable metals or hazardous waste from non-hazardous waste. 

Disposing of Waste

Disposing of waste might appear to be the simplest form of waste management, but this is far from the case. Modern waste management systems have different disposal methods, resulting in nuanced approaches and expertise. 

Reducing Waste

Perhaps one of the most surprising waste management techniques is reducing waste. Waste management companies are often the best place to start. Their personnel can help right at the manufacturing stage to reduce potential waste-causing features. 

Recycling Waste

Recycling waste has become a popular and sustainable waste management practice in the modern industrial world. It deserves its praise as it remains an effective way to prevent overflowing landfills and dumpsites. 

Reusing waste

Different from recycling, reusing waste involves finding new lives from garbage and other trash, whether industrial waste or household waste. It does involve some ingenuity, so waste management companies can help. 

Waste management systems exist whether a company or household realises it or not. Like any logistics, getting on top of it is essential to running an efficient and effective business. 

Waste audits are a great place to begin. Interested in having your waste management systems understood.

Interested in reading more about Waste Management? Consider reading our blog What is Waste Management?

Waste Disposal Solutions for Businesses

Waste disposal solutions for businesses centre around both managing waste in a safe, secure, optimal, and environmentally friendly manner. Additionally, a business leader should strive towards creating a space for waste management to be on their employees mind. 

Waste Audits: 

Waste audits provide companies with a way to better understand their current waste management streams. Having this understanding allows for these systems to be optimised, improved, and made more environmentally friendly. 

Waste companies like Cleanway provide complementary waste audit solutions for their clients. Our expert team can work with a variety of customers across Australia. 

Employee Training: 

Employee training should be a vital part of any company’s waste management system. Having people within a company who know what effective waste streams looks like helps to encourage effective processes. 

Training programs also help to incentivise employees to improve their own knowledge in many ways. They will most likely not just stick to wanting to improve the company’s waste systems. They might want to improve optimisation all round. 


Waste-to-energy solutions are a popular waste reuse technique. It involves the conversion of various waste types into different energies. These can be used to power large cities, such as in Singapore, or simpler, small-scale power generators. 

The major benefit of this as a waste management solution lies in how it keeps waste from final disposal in municipal landfills and dumpsites. Taking waste and giving it a new lease on life is both cost effective and environmentally friendly. 

Zero Waste Initiatives: 

Zero waste initiatives is a catch-all phrase for the systems and techniques that people use to reduce the volumes of waste. It is particularly effective when it comes to hazardous waste as it lessens the amount produced. 

Like other waste solutions, zero waste initiatives work best as a guiding ideal. It might seem impractical to have absolutely no waste, and this is true, but that does not mean that there are no benefits in trying to have none. 

Product Design Changes: 

Product design changes involve adapting existing products so that their waste disposal is more effective. This could include using more recyclable materials during the production process.

And there is more to consider. Designing products so that they are easily recycled helps to ensure that recycling occurs. This might seem small, but it does help to incentivise the process along the supply chain towards extended producer responsibility.

Waste Disposal Solutions for Households

Waste disposal solutions for households centre around being more mindful about waste production. While large businesses tend to be a leading cause of waste, this does not mean that you must not do what you can to lessen waste. 


Composting is a waste management solution that can be adopted by both businesses and households. It is a friendly way to manage various forms of organic waste, including food waste, garden mulch and other organic matter.

Compost heaps are also an alternative money making scheme. That being said, much like recycling programs, businesses can create community compost heaps that help to show their commitment to safe waste disposal solutions. 

Community Recycling Programs: 

Recycling programs are a tried and tested way of getting businesses and local communities more involved in environmentally friendly waste management practices. The benefits of recycling are well documented.

Additionally, businesses who run community recycling programs can see their general standings increase. People tend to flock towards businesses who are committed to building a greener and better future.  

Reduce Food Waste

Reducing food waste is an effective waste disposal method. It relies on the waste management strategy to reduce waste overall. This does not mean that households should eat less food. Rather, it looks at being more mindful about the excess production of waste.

Additionally, food is scarce in some regions across the world. Given the high levels of this, people should strive to not over consume and make excessive waste. This forms part of being mindful about food scraps.

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy efficient appliances are a great general waste management strategy. This includes having more energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps and other recyclable e waste household items. Reducing waste at the energy source helps to build an eco-friendly system.

Luckily, energy efficient household appliances are becoming increasingly common. Major technology companies have seen the need to lessen the burden of greenhouse gas emissions and these appliances are part of this effort. 

Reuse Plastic

Reusing plastic bags and other plastic items is a great way to reduce waste. Using reusable produce bags not only helps you to save money, but it also helps the environment by decreasing the amount of waste that ends up in waste management facilities.

Implementing Waste Management Solutions

Implementing waste management solutions is a relatively easy matter for businesses and households. The total waste management depends on the types of waste that they produce as well as its quantity. However, the broad range of solutions and services available means that all household and business needs will be met.

Companies like Cleanway provide a comprehensive range of waste disposal solutions and services across Australia. Recent years have seen an understanding that resources are finite. Industries and households need to play their part here. Utilising waste management solutions will help in this process.